DANSKHED (Comes out on March 3, 2022)

Being Danish or "Danishness" has been widely discussed in Denmark in the past years. But what does it mean to be Danish? Is it even possible to map out our collective mind as a people?

During the past five years I have been exploring this theme in my work. I have made a series of 48 versions of the Danish passport, each representing a version of being Danish.

The passport is an everyday object, which most people probably don't give much thought. But at the same time having Danish citizenship is something many people dream of and the requirements to get it is the core of many political debates in Denmark. 

Now my entire collection of works comes out as a whole in my art book DANSKHED.

The book reception takes place in my studio on March 3, 2022 from 3-8 PM.

Slagtehusgade 9, 1715 Copenhagen V. Everyone is welcome.


In May 2015 my first book: Simple Living - Kunst og Kamp fra en Campingvogn was published. The book is in Danish and tells the story of my three year legal battle to win back my artistic freedom regarding my drawing Simple Living and my painting Darfurnica.

From the book cover:

Simple Living er Nadia Plesners enestående fortælling om retten til noget så banalt som en tegning. Det er fortællingen om, hvordan en dansk kunststuderende udfordrede verdens største modehus, Louis Vuitton – og vandt.

Simple Living er også en gribende skæbnefortælling om en ung kvinde, der rejser til udlandet med udsigt til drømmemanden og drømmestudiet, men havner i en fugtig campingvogn, invalideret og bedraget. Det er fortællingen om, hvordan hun en vinterdag skriver sine drømme op på en iskold køkkenlåge og seks år senere står på FN’s bonede gulve som fortaler for kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed.